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Sedation Dentistry – Polish Speaking Dentist – Burlington Dentist

Are you feeling nervous about your dental appointment? Fret not, because Maple Mews Dental Office offers sedation dentistry. This will help keep you relaxed during your procedure with your west Burlington dentist. Our sedation method of choice is nitrous oxide, commonly referred to as “laughing gas”, which effectively reduces pain and anxiety. It does not put you to sleep, however, but relaxes you, allowing you to still be able to speak with the dentist when needed.

Nitrous oxide is given via facemask which is easily monitored and controlled by our dental professionals. This allows you to feel more comfortable while Dr. Beata Rzepka or Dr Tracy Parker and our clinical team treat your dental needs. The effects of nitrous oxide are safe and wear off once the mask is removed so you’ll likely be able to continue with your day’s tasks.

Should you need other sedation options, at Maple Mews Dental Office, our team works closely with dentists in Burlington and the surrounding area to assure your needs are taken care of comfortably. We would simply refer you to the dental office that best suits your treatment needs for a consultation and treatment, and you would return to our office for your next regular visit .

Here’s what you need to know about sedation and sleep dentistry:

General anesthesia
An option for those who are anxious about their visit or who need multiple procedures. It will put the patient to sleep so that pain and discomfort are minimized.

Oral Conscious Sedation
In this method, your Burlington dentist induces a semi-conscious state during the procedure. This is usually done with an oral sedative. This will not put the patient completely under, but in a semi-conscious state. Nitrous oxide can be used to increase the sedative effects.

IV conscious sedation
IV conscious sedation works in a very quick manner, which will not put the patient in an unconscious state but dull out any pain or discomfort. This method is preferable when the patient prefers to be awake, because it will not make the patient go to sleep but rather induce a state where they can still respond to questions or directions.

At Maple Mews Dental, our dentists in west Burlington will do what we can to ensure your comfort and confidence in our services. Our capable and gentle staff will be there to answer any questions or concerns throughout your treatment. Contact us today to book an appointment today or to discuss your dental needs!